How to play

The aim of the game is to take care of some puppies! Only mouse or touch is used for this game:

  • If a puppy brings a toy or a bone, play fetch with them by dragging and releasing the toy or bone (the distance you swipe while you hold, and holding for longer will result in longer throws)
  • If a puppy brings a bowl, feed them by dragging and holding the 'food' above the bowl (you need to wait until they put the bowl down).
  • If a puppy brings a brush, brush them by dragging and moving the brush.
  • (If the food bag gets pushed out of the viewport, don't worry - mini puppy will bring you a new one)



Personal comment

This was my first game using LittleJS and my first ever game jam. Hope you enjoy!

Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags2D, Cozy, Cute, Dogs, littlejs, Pixel Art, puppies, Sprites, Virtual Pet


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Nice masa! I think I know you.

Great game! Maybe performing tasks quickly would reward you with extending your play time to earn more points. My best score was 3000.

btw, your github link is broken.

Hey lewdev - yeah, I am indeed that masa (small world!). Good to hear from you.

Thanks for the feedback - the scoring system was a hurried effort to create a bit of gameplay, so yeah, definitely there's more scope to improve, and your idea about rewarding prompt actions make a lot of sense.

Also thanks for the heads up about the github link - I forgot to make the repo public. I've updated the setting so it should now be visible 

Played a few times repeatedly trying to beat my own high score (2500).

Commands get clunky if too many pups are in the same area, but other than that the game plays really nice.

Saving the high score on the screen would be a nice touch.

thanks for playing and for your feedback :)

so cute!!! i love the bgm

thanks :)

This game is super cute. I like the frantic yet playful energy it brings.

thanks - frantic and playful was what I was aiming for :)